BronzeStandard RL.1RL.1 Theme and Key Ideas
Student can recognize the Key Ideas in a text and cite strong evidence for explicit and implicit ideas in the text. Student can recognize themes and provide an objective summary of the text. Student can analyze authorial choice. Requirements:
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SilverStandard RL.2RL.2 Vocabulary and Structure
Student can determine the meaning of words using context cues. Student can recognize how the structure of a text influences meaning and aesthetics. Student can recognize irony, satire, sarcasm or understatement in a text. Requirements: |
GoldStandard RL.1/2RL.2 Vocabulary and Structure
Student can determine the meaning of words using context cues. Student can recognize how the structure of a text influences meaning and aesthetics. Student can recognize irony, satire, sarcasm or understatement in a text. GOLD should respond to questions or problems produced by Bronze/Silver Requirements: |
MasterStandard RL.3RL.3 Multiple interpretations and similar topics/different texts
- Student can analyze multiple interpretations of a story (film, recording, game, novel, etc). Student will read foundational works of Literary Canon (American, British, Modern), and will recognize how two or more texts treat similar topics. Requirements: |