Bronze2 LevelsWrite up a short (1-2 page) essay on what workouts and diets you are attempting and what your weight goal is for this Trimester.
Turn in your short write-up online. |
Silver6 LevelsTrack your exercise and calories for two weeks using an exercise tracking and calorie tracking excel sheet from the link at the top of the page
Turn in your tracked data titled "Yourname-2 weeks" |
Gold8 LevelsTrack your exercise and calories for two more weeks (total of 4) using an exercise tracking and calorie tracking excel sheet from the link at the top of the page
Turn in your tracked data titled "Yourname-4 weeks" |
Master10 LevelsProduce a written reflection on the past 6 weeks of exercise and determine whether or not you met your goal.
Discuss the successes and failures you had during the 6 weeks period in trying to reach your health goal. Track your exercise and calories for two more weeks using an exercise tracking and calorie tracking excel sheet from the link at the top of the page Turn in your tracked data titled "Yourname-6 weeks" |