BronzeX LevelsHerobrine Hunt
Create a creepy scenario in which the player finds themselves in a broken down city/town with. Requirements:
SilverX LevelsLast Man on Earth
Write the logs of the Last Person alive after a zombie invasion. Use the map in the button below. Must write a 1 page Final log of how you die. Play on hardcore - survival You may work on this for only 2 in class Stations |
GoldX LevelsTesla Vs. Edison
Create laboratories for Nikolai Tesla and Thomas Edison based off of images online of their laboratories. Inside of each laboratory place 10-20 signs with information about each inventor. |
MasterX LevelsSurvivalist
Using video capture technology Record yourself playing three 15 minute sessions in two of these maps (link below). You should have a total of 6 15 minute sessions recorded at the completion of this assignment. Turn in a link to your recordings. |