BronzeStandard W.1W.1 - Student will produce, edit, and defend a diverse portfolio of written, spoken and performed work that represents their future employment and educational goals.
Turn in online using this site |
SilverStandard W.1W.1 - Student will produce, edit, and defend a diverse portfolio of written, spoken and performed work that represents their future employment and educational goals.
Requirements: |
GoldStandard LM.2LM.2 - Student can determine or clarify the meaning of unknown words. Student can determine sentence structure by deconstructing and rephrasing sentences. Student can vary sentence structure by changing clausal structures with accurate punctuation. Student can acquire and use accurately domain-specific words and phrases to pursue life goals.
GOLD should respond to questions or problems produced by Bronze/Silver Requirements: |
MasterStandard Sp.1S.1 - Student can participate in civil discussions. Student can evaluate and respond to a speaker's point of view, reasoning, use of evidence and rhetoric, links among ideas, word choice, points of emphasis and tone used. Student can use digital media to present work. Student can adapt their speech to a variety of contexts.
Requirements: |