The Three Paths to Success in English
The Fourth Way
5% but represents 100% of your effort and Participation
The last way to succeed in this course is to be on time for class and prepared to work hard every day.
Participation is worth 5% of your overall grade in this course.
This means:
1. Be Respectful in your words and in your actions
2. Do not be vulgar
3. Arrive at class on time
4. Do not have your cellphone out in class (unless directly instructed to for vocabulary work)
5. Be Respectful in your words and in your actions
Participation is worth 5% of your overall grade in this course.
This means:
1. Be Respectful in your words and in your actions
2. Do not be vulgar
3. Arrive at class on time
4. Do not have your cellphone out in class (unless directly instructed to for vocabulary work)
5. Be Respectful in your words and in your actions